A lot of people we come across with IRS Tax Problems are confused about what they owe. They (both businesses and individuals) even have existing representation in place and are actively working on their IRS Tax Problem. However, their current representative, CPA, attorney, or bookkeeper either hasn't informed the taxpayer as to what they owe, or maybe they have in the past but the balance dues have changed.
The balance due amounts and subsequent transcripts on a taxpayer's account, are the most important pieces of information both the taxpayer needs to have, as well as the representative. Without the knowledge of what is owed, what might be missing, what the statutes are, and what the tax, penalty, and interest is, there really isn't a starting point to resolving one's IRS Tax Problems. There are a few key elements to obtaining this information:
- If you have IRS Tax Problems and you don't know what you owe call Highland Tax Group, Inc. immediately and we will gather this information free of charge
- If you have IRS Tax Problems we will ask you to fill out a 1 page form so we have authorization to gather the information necessary to begin resolving your IRS tax issues
- Our free investigation includes finding out tax balance due amounts, missing return information and data, transcript data, and statute data should it be necessary, as well as a status report on your account
- We will inform you of the results in writing so you can begin tackling your IRS Tax Problems head on in 2014!
We are more than pleased to offer the investigation, a $300 value, for absolutely free. Confused by what you owe? Not sure where your situation stands with the IRS? Not sure how exactly your IRS Tax Problems will be resolved in 2014? Call us at
720-398-6088 or at
www.highlandtaxresolution.com for more information. We are looking forward to assisting you with resolving your IRS Tax Problems!